Who the Heck is Jim Stenstrum?

Jim Stenstrum was born before clouds were invented.

He was raised in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and spent his early youth planning to become a super-hero. He drew many, many costume designs — all with capes — and eventually settled on his super-hero name, Captain X-Ray, although he had no military rank and knew nothing about X-Rays.

As the years went by, Jim realized there would be an awful lot of work getting into shape for his crime-fighting career, and so he decided to draw super-heroes instead of becoming one.

In time, Jim became a comic book writer and artist, and when he grew tired of being poor and hungry, he moved into animation.

Over the next 40 years, Jim worked as a designer on many Scooby-Doo projects, as well as SWAT Kats, Jonny Quest, Curious George, Care Bears, Superman, and lots more.

These days, Jim spends his days writing and drawing children’s books, because it’s fun.

And what’s better than having fun?

Where’s Jimbo? Can you find Jim in this 1997 Hanna-Barbera crew photo? Just look for the tall, handsome, well-dressed man in the top row. Jim is standing right next to him.